Tuesday, 18 August 2015

If you don't ask you don't get

Hi all, another good day in my head, two in a row! I am being spoilt :)
Today I'm going to share something I've learnt; you honestly don't get anything if you don't ask. I know all too well that it's hard to stand up and tell people what you need, your heart starts racing and you panic. But take a step back and think about it for a sec, what's the worst they can say? The answer to that is that they say no. But at least then you know where you stand and your brain can stop running over the hundreds of outcomes.
If you don't feel strong enough to ask today write a list and do it when you can.

Things to consider... things I've asked....
It's ok to ask to change a therapist if you feel the one you see is not helpful. It is important to find one you get on with otherwise it just ain't gonna work love x

Don't assume sideaffects are normal. Talk with your Dr and explain what you're going through, the reassurance will put your mind at ease x

Ask what help is available, this one is very much an 'if you don't ask you don't get' .  There are free groups out there you can go to put on by charities, volunteer places available and over the phone help lines x

Anyone who is ready to maybe take on a voluntary placement I'd recommend. It has many perks like getting you out the house, meeting new friends and the feeling of achievement. Plus if you can't attend there isn't the guilt of letting people down, if you explain from the beginning your situation they are usually very helpful and understanding x

The last one is friends and family.
Tell them what you need. Most of the people close to you feel helpless as all they wanna do is help but don't know how to. If you need space tell them, if they truly love and care about you they will do this. And asking for a hug is always nice :)

Hope this was even a little bit helpful, love borderline x

1 comment:

  1. I think these are great pieces of advice!

